Tuesday, 8 June 2010 0 comments

Listening to Music

hey guys! this time, I will tell you about the song that was my passion lately. First, the song belongs to Kesha song, titled Tik Tok, the second, belongs to the Black Eyed Peas song, titled I Gotta Feeling. The song they are very pleasant to hear, because I happen to like the music genre dance / hip hop. that song always makes me want to dance and shake, ha ha ha .. um .. I also love to play playstation games while listening to this music. yeah, since I love to see music videos on YouTube, I do so love to download music. especially since I saw the dance competitions in various tv stations. and actually, listening to music is also my hobby.
Sunday, 6 June 2010 0 comments

Support for Palestine

hi, buddy! My post this time is about the news lately is splashy. what's that? yes, israel versus Palestine.
I am very concerned about the cruel behavior of Israel to the Palestinians. why not, residents of innocent Palestinians attacked by Israeli granted favors only just lust.
oh, yes. I also see the contents twitter israel's very annoying to read. they call their troops brave troops. in my opinion, they did not deserve it that way, yes .. if we see from their behavior, which only brave against the Palestinian people through the hell that means.
yeah, that's my opinion about the Israeli war against Palestine. I personally would be very supportive of Palestine.
Keep fighting, the Palestinian territories. We support you from here.

written by,
Friday, 30 April 2010 0 comments

Global Warming

did you know about global warming?
Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-20th century and its projected continuation.Global surface temperature increased 0.74 ± 0.18 °C (1.33 ± 0.32 °F) between the start and the end of the 20th century.The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concludes that most of the observed temperature increase since the middle of the 20th century was very likely caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases resulting from human activity such as fossil fuel burning and deforestation.The IPCC also concludes that variations in natural phenomena such as solar radiation and volcanic eruptions had a small cooling effect after 1950.These basic conclusions have been endorsed by more than 40 scientific societies and academies of science,including all of the national academies of science of the major industrialized countries.

Red Alert: Global Warming
1. Floods, Hurricane, Snowstorms
2. Extreme draught
3. 2030: 2000 of our islands gone (?)

And, what can we do?
10 Ways to Save Our Planets:
1. Consume Organic Food
2. Plant a Tree
3. Carpool When You Can
4. Air Dry Your Clothes
5. Use Paper Efficiently
6. Sort Your Garbage
7. Take Public Transportation, Ride Your Bike, or Walk
8. Bring Your Own Bag to Shop
9. Turn Off Electronic Devices
10. Reduce Garbage

Don't forget to find any information about global warming. Remember, this is Earth--Our Place to Live.

Source: C'nS magazine and Internet
Friday, 16 April 2010 0 comments

Crazy Love Quotes

yo yoo guys!!
postingan kali ini pengen gue tulis tentang cinta *love. kenapa? ini gara gara pas gue les senin kemarin. ga tau kenapa guru LIA gue ngomongin love melulu, alesannya muridnya udah pada remaja, ntar kalo ngomongin "cabe merah keriting" kayak ibu-ibu gitu kan ga enak, hahaha -_____-
awalnya kita cuma belajar grammar doang, lama-lama menjurus ke love. katanya, sering banget orang-orang yang pacaran suka muji pacarnya pake "perumpamaan", yang kalo diliat pake logika ga masuk akal.
1. Wajahmu Bagaikan Bulan
*ya, kalo kita liat, bulan itu emang putih bersinar, tapi strukturnya kan udah kayak permukaan jalan raya di bekasi a.k.a berlubang lubang
2. Ku Tak Bisa Hidup Tanpamu
*ya ampuun.. serem amat dah, kalo si dia misalkan ke luar negeri atau bahkan... maaf, wafat, ya masa kita ikutan innalillahi juga??
3. Hati Kita Kan Slalu Menyatu
*cacat dong??? coba bayangkan.
4. Akan Ku Lakukan Apapun Untukmu
*coba perhatiin, kalo kita minta "mati aja lu ke laut", belum tentu dia mau, ya kecuali kalo dia beneran nekat -____-
5. Senyummu Meruntuhkan Dunia
*ini nih, yang paling parah. bayangin aja kalo dia senyum, terus dunia langsung runtuh kayak di film 2012ahaha -__-

oke, yaa.. itulah seputar perumpamaan cinta & logika. tapi kalo misalkan pacar lo lo pada ngegombal kayak gitu, jangan ditabok yee, hahaha. kan itu cuma perumpamaan, kasian dia, maksudnya pengen bikin kalian terkesan, malah dapet "timpuk".
oke, sekian dulu postingan gue yang aneh, ga jelas, ga penting, dan ga berguna ini.

Friday, 9 April 2010 0 comments


when you're see an interesting guy, you couldn't said that you're fall in love with him easily, well, just check this out:
1. you can't escape your eyes at him
2. you always pay attention to him
3. always jealous when he with somebody (girl)
4. altough he has a girlfriend, you always interested to him
5. your heartbeat never get stop when he meet/talking with you
6. never said bad about him to everybody

well, that's all that i know, hope you'll like it. and goodluck with him ;)
Saturday, 3 April 2010 0 comments

Successfully National Exam

hoaahh... UN udah selesai nih, tinggal nunggu hasilnya nih, semoga semuanya diatas 8 (AMIN). soalnya, kemarin sih gue ngerjainnya lancar-lancar aja.

oh iya, tau ga, kemarin gue ke J'Fest di SMAN 14. (untuk yang ke 2 kalinya), hehe. sampe kakak pembawa acaranya afal sama gue dan sasti.
Kakak :"namanya sipa nih dek??"
Gue :"Risa kak."
Kakak :"kalau kamu?"
Sasti :"Sasti"
Kakak :"dari sekolah mana nih"
Gue :"SMP 49"
Kakak :"ooh, 49.. eh, bukannya tahun lalu pernah kesini juga ya??"
Gue&Sa:"ehehe, iya, kak."
Kakak :"wuahh, kita kedatengan pengunjung setia J'Fort niih!!"
(Gue dan Sasti cuma cengar-cengir aja)

Abis itu kita ketemu banyak peserta cosplay. yang lagi nganggur, langsung aja kita ajak foto.(ya ampuun). oh ya, ada juga obake a.k.a rumah hantu, serem abis, sasti sampe ga mau masuk, hahay.. akhirnya gue ber2 sama adek kelas aja deh.

pokoknya banyak banget yang kita coba disana. i wanna go there again next year.
Friday, 12 March 2010 0 comments


capek banget gue jadi kelas 9, ujiannya gila-gilaan. apalagi tadi tuh, soal TO IPAnya susah banget. sekarang gue bisa blogging juga karana libur, tapi besok mesti belajar lagi buat ulum -________- (*anjroott*)
talking-talking, UN berapa hari lagi, ye? oh, around 14 hari lagi...
2 minggu lagi?? tuh kan, mulai deh migran gue keluar lagi.
(tenang risa...huff)
oke, lanjut. sepertinya gue bisa ngerasain penderitaan kakak kelas dulu, nah sekarang, buat adek-adekku kelas 8 yang manis, mending puas-puasin seneng-seneng lo sekarang, soalnya belum tentu taun depan kalian bisa ketawa ketiwi.. HAHAHAHA (ups)
nah, sekarang yang penting gue masti dapetin nih target:
MTK: 86
B. Inggris: 92
B. Indonesia: 86
IPA: min.76
*amiiin.. hehehe.
gue mesti masuk SMA pilihan gue, kalo ga, mau taro dimana muke gue*?? (*selain di kepala)

saya, Risa Andriana Putri bersumpah, jika saya masuk SMAN unggulan di DKI, saya akan berusaha menjadi yang lebih baik lagi. *suer deeh
Saturday, 23 January 2010 0 comments

Boys Like Girls

boys like girls is the best pop rock band!!

tau kan band boys like girls, yang sekarang lagi ngetrend itu loh. kalo ga tau, beli majalah, liat di rubrik musik, pasti ada.
yang bikin gue secara tiba-tiba suka sama nih band itu berawal dari gue baca majalah gadis sama gogirl, eh, duaduanya naro artikel yang sama, yep--boys like girls!
nah, trus katanya lagu yang paling enak itu yang judulnya love drunk. nih textnya.
The top down in the summer sun
The day we met was like a hit an run
An I still taste it on my tongue
The sky was burning up like fireworks
You made me want you oh so bad it hurt
But girl, in case you haven’t heard

I used to be love drunk
But now I’m hungover
I’ll love you forever
Forever is over
We used to kiss all night
Now it’s just a bar fight
So don’t call me crying
Say hello to goodbye

Cause Just one thing would make me say
I used to be love drunk
But now I’m hungover
Ill love you forever
But now it’s over

Hot sweat and blurry eyes
We’re spinning on a roller coaster ride
The world stuck in black and white
You drove me crazy every time we touched
But now I’m so broken that I can’t get up
Oh girl, you make me such a lush

I used to be love drunk
But now I’m hungover
I’ll love you forever
Forever is over
We used to kiss all night
Now its just a bar fight
So don’t call me crying
Say hello to goodbye

Cause Just one thing would make me say
I used to be love drunk
But now I’m hungover
Ill love you forever
But now it’s over

All the time I wasted on you
All the bullshit you put me through
Checking into rehab is everything that we had
Didn’t mean a thing to you

I used to be love drunk
But now I’m hungover
Ill love you forever
But now it’s over

I used to be love drunk
But now I’m hungover
I’ll love you forever
Forever is over
We used to kiss all night
Now it’s just a bar fight
So don’t call me crying
Say hello to goodbye

Cause Just one thing would make me say
I used to be love drunk
But now I’m hungover
Ill love you forever
But now it’s over

Now it’s over
I still taste it on my tongue

emang ga bisa dijamin enak-ga enaknya lagu tuh cuma dari lyric aja. coba buka youtube misalkan. dijamin suka.
uehh, kenapa gue jadi promosi gini, ya?? haha.
gapapa ya? namanya juga ngefans, hehe.

oke, itulah postingan yang udah gue janjiin di postingan sebelumnya.

Love is in God's Hand

pernah dennger kalimat jodoh ada di tangan Tuhan? yep. kalimat itu bener banget. terbukti kalo rata-rata orang yang pacaran paling cuma tahan 6bulan-2tahun. kalaupun ada yang sampe ke pernikahan, yaa.. itu namanya ajimumpung. hehe.
emang terkadang kita ga sabaran, jadi maunya nyari cowok/cewek baru, begitu dapet, langsung bilang "akhirnya gue dapet jodoh juga.." eh begitu putus, bilangnya "ah..dia emang bukan jodoh gue!". (lah, gimana..bukannya tadi bilang "akhirnya gue dapet jodoh juga"??)
nah, jadi disimpulkan bahwa JODOH ADA DI TANGAN TUHAN. yaa, walau ga nyambung sama tulisan gue, tapi bisa dimengerti kan?.
eh iya, gue lagi suka lagu-lagunya boys like girls nih, kemungkinan boys like girls bakal jadi postingan gue selanjutnya.
oke guys, thats all i want to posted.

see you.
Friday, 15 January 2010 0 comments

trouble is a friend

tau lagunya lenka-trouble is a friend?? pas banget sama gue yang sekarang. apalagi di kelas 9, masalahnya mampus ga ketulungan(LEBAY)
terus apalagi pas pelajaran BK, bu Risty bilang kelas 9.3 75%nya masih belum siap ngadepin UN alias calon KEGAGALAN buset, serem amat ya??
gue ngelirik ke belakang, antara kasian ato gimana--ngeliat tampang yang pada melas, takut, pasrah, semua nyampur kayak es campur.
apalagi temen sebelah gue, gue liat tampangnya yang model "apa yang dikeluhin bu Risty ada di gue semua".
pas lagi serius-seriusnya ngobrol tiba tiba bel bunyi, terus bu risty langsung ngucapin salam n balik, tapi murid-murid yang di dalem masih pada diem seperti ngerenungin sesuatu, atau gimana gue juga ga ngerti.
yaudahlah, gue mah serahin ke Tuhan YME aja lah